
Enter the Rabbit Hole

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Work for Rabbit Hole Group

Being part of the Rabbit Hole Group means that you can do much more. We are software engineers, brand designers, frontend gurus, data privacy lawyers, IT consultants of all sorts and many more.

We share the same values about trust, honesty and responsibility for our work and in our client relationships. We are not an angency network as you might know it, we are a democratic enterprise in culture and organisation.

Working for a Rabbit Hole partner, you can have it both: Working with a small, personal and agile team and enjoy the possibility and insigths from a big company.

How to join

Apply to partner company

Rabbit Hole Group doesn't offer employment on it own. Instead you have to apply to one of our partner companies. Their name and locations are listed in the open vacancies below.

Colleagues wanted

Open Vacancies

Onedrop GmbH & Co. KG


No chance for spaghetti code! You can make the path to the finished application as chaotic as you like - but in the end, your output must be structured, comprehensible and spotlessly clean. We are looking for developers who understand what we mean when we talk about code aesthetics. It would be nice if, contrary to all prejudices, you don't shy away from daylight and are even good with other people.