Data Privacy

No more “design by lawyer”. Good data privacy design happens much deeper inside a system where it actually protects the user and not just aggravates them. We understand “privacy by design” and incorporate not only the law but the value of privacy into all our solutions. Our data privacy experts are lawyers that know tech and look for solutions and possibilities and not for problems.
The GDPR is a very misunderstood law. It is definitely not a disadvantage for European companies. Data Protection does not protect data but our human dignity and privacy.
Maximillian Mayer
Head of Data Privacy

Yes, we can

check your ad tracking for GDPR compliance ...

... and
your online shop
... and
your employee management
... and
your new business idea
... and
check your IT and process for compliance
... and
support you against legal claims and complains
... and
train your colleagues in data privacy
... and
help the design team to make things possible and compliant at the same time


Stuff we Did

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digidor GmbH

The digidor marketing platform connects insurers and their affiliated brokers when it comes to online marketing: campaigns provided by insurers can be personalized by brokers at the touch of a button and published on the Internet or sent directly to existing customers.

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ZAD - Zentraler Abrechnungs-Dienst GmbH

Zentrale Abrechnungs-Dienst GmbH (ZAD) started out in the early 1980s with a small team that supported the providers of patient transportation services in billing the cost bearers. After ZAD expanded its range of services in the mid-1990s to include the billing of care services, the company has developed into a nationwide service provider for private care services, ambulance services, aid organizations, charitable institutions and municipal rescue service providers. The more than 150 motivated employees have long been supporting their customers beyond the billing of their revenues.

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MacTrade Computerhandelsgesellschaft mbH

Since 1998, MacTrade has been one of the largest and most prominent online stores for Apple products, accessories and software in Germany. MacTrade offers its customers a comprehensive Apple shopping experience that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - simple, secure and convenient. MacTrade attaches great importance to comprehensive advice. You can take advantage of this service by phone or video chat. As an Apple-certified webshop, we work closely with Apple.

What can we lift for you?

Don't hesitate! Ask us. We like a challenge.